At our session at the DMEXCO 2021 Christiane Brunk, managing director of BRAUN BÜFFEL (Braun GmbH & Co. KG) and Martin Himmel, digital consultant at ecom consulting, explain how they managed to rise D2C e-commerce sales to 30% within short time – and why retail partners respond positively to the digital offensive. Braun Büffel’s incredible transformation – from a traditional company to a direct-to-consumer approach – is an inspiration for many other companies. The company has managed to reach the digital target group while involving employees in the transformation and building a young, digital team.

Watch the video recording of the session at the DMEXCO now:

You want to know more about Braun Büffel and how they managed to start direct-to-consumer business?

Read our detaillied case study and be inspired to do it the same way like Braun Büffel!